Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Always Classic Photography {Child Photography}

I had the privilege of doing a shoot with Jayden and Nya.   They are just about the best behaved kids I've ever shot with, and they are sooo much fun!!
 Here are some previews =)

Enjoy life!

Friday, October 7, 2011

5 Tips for Child Photography

                                                                5.    BE READY
You need to always be ready, move quickly, and take advantage of every opportunity they may give you to get the winning shot.

Trying to coach a child to smile at the camera is pointless.  It won't let them relax, and it will just be more aggravation for the both of you.


Who doesn't like bubbles? Bring props, keep it fun!  The funner it is for them, the funner it is for you!

Don't put down the camera when it might be time for a little motherly love.  Just because it's a child photography session doesn't mean you can't get a few with the parents.

1. "I AM WHO I AM"
They may have tiny little bodies but they do not have tiny little minds.  Let them be their precious, funny, adorable selves.  You won't be disappointed in the end.

Tiny fingers and toes,

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lisas Wedding

It's been a while since I've updated, a long while actually.  Just been a lot of work and little time for play.  I got my Nikon d3100 in and boyyyyy oh boyyyyy am I glad that I have it. I'm still experimenting with the settings and such but so far so good.  I'm so glad it's fall now, perfect time for pictures!  Maybe I'll take a walk later and see what I stumble upon.  
Well I did a wedding the other day,  Still in the process of editing, but Here are some pictures from it. 
Hope you enjoy!

Have a great day!

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