Friday, May 13, 2011

A car accident and a furry mouse

So my plan to write everyday hasn't really worked out,  I got into a car accident like a week and a half ago and haven't been able to get online.  I was stuck just sittin around with nothing to do except for when my lovely beautiful mama came to take care of me and take me to get food.  Boy do I loveeeeeeee my food =)
Well in my adventurous few weeks of nothingness I got to have a nice little photo shoot with my most favorite little kitty Mouser. 
He is such a character and he loves getting his pictures taken.  Here are some I thought i'd share.
hes always tumblin around on railings and stuff haha he likes to scoot himself down them.
haha!  I caught the little mouse mid-yawn.
I love him, he stayed like this until I took the picture!
This picture is blurry but he looks like such a little wolverine! haha
This is really how he lays all day. haha

How cute!!!

I love his little paws, he loves having someone pet them! 
Alright, thats about it for now. 
Take care and drive safe!!!

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