Saturday, May 21, 2011

A little man and a pretty sky

    So yesterday my friend Brandy came over with her son Damien.  He is such a little cutie he runs around the house yelling "anda!" (amanda) until I come out from where I am and see him.  After that I took a walk to try out my new lenses.  Here is some stuff I caught along the way.

This little man is SUCH a stinkin cutie.  

He was "playing catch" on the porch with his mom. haha His idea of playing catch was to keep throwing the ball off the porch so she would have to go get it. He's so funny every time he would do it he woudl say "Oops, shorry (sorry) mama!" haha
Then it was time for my walk...

 The sunset was so pretty!! I could've stood there for hours taking pictures of it!

What a random thing to find donkeys. haha I mean really?

The plane was so close!!  I wish it would've flown over the pretty part of the sky though! haha
Alright, thats all for now.  We are having a family party later for my uncle who is in town.  I'm gonna catch some great pictures I hope!!

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